Diabetes is a 24/7 disease. It can take over our lives and become one of our only focuses. I like to remind myself that diabetes is a part of me but not all of me. I was diagnosed as an adult and when I was diagnosed I lost myself in the midst of finger pricks, carb counting, highs and lows. Lets be honest, there is nothing glamorous about diabetes itself BUT there a few things we can incorporate to make diabetes our own. Below are some of my favorite accessories that help avoid getting stuck in a diabetes rut.
Lauren's Hope is my FAVORITE company for medical ID's. Show your personality with a design from their collection of medical alert bracelets for men, women and even kids! Above are some of my personal favorite styles. All items can be custom engraved.
PROMO CODE: GLITTER will get you 10% off! CLICK HERE to shop!
PROMO CODE: GLITTER will get you 10% off! CLICK HERE to shop!
How cute are these cuff's for your Apple Watch?! I know many of my diabuddies wear an Apple Watch to easily track their Dexcom. Now you can get rid of that rubber band that came with your watch & class it up with these super stylish cuffs! I got an Apple Watch for Valentines Day last year and only wore it a few months because I didn't like how techy it looked. Now I'm obsessed with my watch and these stylish cuffs! There are even a few options for FitBits!
Click here to shop! The Ultimate Cuff
Use the code "GLITTERGLUCOSE" for 15% off!
Click here to shop! The Ultimate Cuff
Use the code "GLITTERGLUCOSE" for 15% off!